
  • Watch Online / Toon Andres (2021)

    Desc: Toon Andres: Directed by Andres Lerma. With Idalia Basterra, Bard Branner, Brayden Lacer, Abram Lara. This is the story about Toon Andres, he lives in Angel City and his mother Yudy tells him that "we're going to Guatemala to visit our old family. Toon Andres and his family went to the airport and buy tickets to Guatemala. When they got there, Toon Andres went around the city of Guatemala, where full of cultures and old towns. Just then, Toon Andres saw a fiction quetzal bird named Quetzy, he met him and become good friends. Toon Andres and his family went to the transportation van to get to the information center to tell the tourist how to get to Mazatenango. Toon Andres had a humplush doll named Mobie the bee, he is a cute fiction bee who likes to become friends with Toon Andres. When they got to Mazatenango, they went off the transportation and his father Francisco Lerma knocks the door at Pharmacy Cornejo. When the door is opened, a wise lady named Aunt Florizal greeted them, Yudy was so happy that she missed her very much. At dinner, Toon Andres told Yudy and Aunt Florizal about the experience of Guatemala, Hopefully, they felt agree to explore the other side of Guatemala. The next morning, they went to Quetzaltenango, Toon Andres looks around and a little boy named Chizol who lives in Mazatenango and meets Toon Andres to join the team. They went to the northern village of Quetzaltenango and saw Chizol house where he lives. That night Toon Andres had a dream, he meets a boy name Pepinson who lives in El Paso Texas. Toon Andres and Pepinson went to the kindergarten to talk about crossing the boarder and he completes the assignments and awarded to take on a plane to Mexico. When the dream ended the next morning, Chizol told him about go to the consulate of Guatemala to become the great nationality of Guatemala. They went to the consulate of Guatemala, Toon Andres told the consulate man that he's a Guatemalan. Finally, he agrees, he gives a certificate to become the great nationality of Guatemala. A little later, they went to the theme park called Xetulzal, they take the ride on the train and went to the gift shop. Toon Andres and Chizol went to the French theater and saw Potoi was assaulted by an angry French man Baturret, and Toon Andres tries to save him and disguised himself as a Guatemalan superhero "The Quetzal Man." Toon Andres and Quetzy went through the screen and stop Baturret to hurt Potoi, but he felt angry to strike him back, but a little superhero name Baby Juaviolo Jr arrived to punch Baturret's face. Toon Andres saves Potio and went out of the screen. Potoi thanks Toon Andres for saving his life and he went away. Toon Andres meets Baby Juaviolo Jr to become friends and joins to explore Xetulzal. Later in the afternoon, they went to southwest theme park was Central American Plaza, Toon Andres saw an architecture from Honduras, that's what Baby Juaviolo Jr lives in Honduras. Then, Chizol arrives and meets Baby Juaviolo Jr about life in Xetulzal. Aunt Florizal calls to the kids to go home. When they arrived back to Mazatenango, Toon Andres told his family about become the great nationality of Guatemala and Baby Juaviolo Jr saves the day. His family felt very happy because Toon Andres has done something great about his experience. Almost bedtime, Toon Andres plays with his Guatemalan dolls with Chizol to tell a story about the Guatemalan fantasy. Mobie joins the story and meet the Guatemalan kids to explore Guatemala. That night, Toon Andres had another dream, in Mexico City, Toon Andres meets a Mexican warrior name Lupedro to find Pepinson. When they get to west city, Pepinson falls in love with a Mexican girl name Lapita. Toon Andres and Lupedro arrived to tell Lapita about the next mission of fighting the French. Toon Andres takes Pepinson home and say goodbye to Lupedro and Lapita. When a dream ends in next morning, Toon Andres and his family and friends are going back to Angel City. They took an airplane back to Angel city and land on the LAX Airport. At the US Custom immigration, a man checks inside his luggage to see there's no food and vegetables. Finally, there's no foods and vegetables, just plushes and cultures, he agrees to let them in to Angel City. When they arrived back home at Toon Andres House, Yudy and Francisco told Toon Andres about good experience of Guatemala and become the nationality of Guatemala. That night, Toon Andres and his friends meets a ghost boy name Pepinson about what they're going next. They are going to Mexico next, Toon Andres was so amazed, even Chizol and Baby Juaviolo were amazed too. So Pepinson will go back to Texas and say goodbye to his friends. Toon Andres gives a group hug with Chizol, Baby Juaviolo Jr, Mobie and Quetzy. They will look forward to explore other places in Central America and Toon Andres will like to visit Guatemala again.